luns, 23 de marzo de 2020

English. March the 23rd, 2020. 4th, 5th and 6th grades.

Happy week everyone!!

I hope you had a great weekend!

Let's get started!!

4th grade:
Do you remember when we were speaking about "like": "I like swimming"
Who remembers what do you say with "she" or "he"?


She likeS swimming
He likeS swimming!

We added "s".

We are going to review this, but using the routines for the next few sessions ok?
To start a quick refreshment with this document.
Present simple 3rd person affirmative

Then, you can do the following exercise: All what matters is "S"

5th grade:
You need to proceed to section3, unit 3: "At the school canteen", to the page called: "a new experience at school: the canteen". You have listening activities in exercises 9 and 10. Then you need to write a sentences with each of the words related to the activities you do within those spaces, for example: "I run in the gym". It is very very easy!

 I remind you that you have a new "tarefa" in EVA, called: "Quarantine Duties" for you to upload your homework. It's added in section 4.

6th grade:
You need to think of countable and uncountable nouns.
- A countable noun is something you can count

- An uncountable noun is something you can't count.

In the following exercise you are going to think a bit of those two terms:

Countable and Uncountable nouns

Then write three countable words, and three uncountable words.

 I remind you that you have a new "tarefa" in EVA, called: "Quarantine Duties" for you to upload your homework.

Para os nenos e nenas de valores, traemos unha nova frase, con unha temática moi á orde do día, dada a situación co coronavirus. 

"A saúde é como unha coroa que lucen todos os sans, pero que tan só ven os que están enfermos".

Espero aprendamos algo con esta frase. 

Anything you need, please, let me know!
Have a good day!


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